What To Do When You Get Off Track

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We just made it through a holiday weekend, but with that weekend may have been bbqs, extra dessert, and maybe too many beers. Did you get off track?  Well, you’re not alone!  Here are some tips for getting back on track!

  1. Do NOT Beat Yourself Up!  Guys, we’ve all been there.  Maybe it was a long weekend, maybe a holiday, or maybe just a bad day where we turned to food, but we’ve all had those times where we’ve eaten more calories than our usual allowance.  You have two choices… you can either sit there and be angry, upset, and disappointed in yourself, or… you can buck up, move on and get back on track right away!  I suggest you chose to get back on track!  Being down on yourself is only going to make things worse and you may even decide to turn to food again.  Not a good choice! Just remember “Today’s opportunities erase yesterday’s failures.” -Gene Brown
  2. Drink More Water!  Talk about an easy way to work on getting on track, huh?  Water helps flush out toxins and excess salt that you may have consumed recently. More water will actually help you get rid of stomach bloat because it’s really excess salt and toxins that cause that belly bloat anyway.  It’s also going to help you stay full because sometimes that hunger you’re feeling is actually thirst.  Try drinking water before a meal and I bet you’ll eat less!
  3. Don’t Let Another Meal Go By Off Track!  It’s vital that you get back on track right away.  One cheat meal can take 2-3 days to work off, so don’t let another meal go by without getting on track. Check out my “Recipes” section for some great ideas on healthy meals to try right away!
  4. Don’t Starve Yourself!  By all means, do NOT starve yourself to try to get back on track. This will actually slow your progress.  By restricting your calories TOO much, your body will go into starvation mode meaning it will actually hold onto and store fat! That’s the last thing you want, right???  Instead, focus on eating every 2.5-3 hours to keep your metabolism revved all day long.  A revved metabolism means more calories burned- now we’re talking!!
  5. Eat Breakfast! You want to rev your metabolism right away, right? Well, breakfast is the key to this! Make sure you eat a healthy breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up. This is going to wake your body up from that starvation/fast it was in all night.  It’s going to signal to it that it’s not time to store fat, but instead time to burn fat!
  6. Cardio!  Up your cardio for a while.  This will seriously light your metabolism on fire- especially if you pick high intensity intervals (meaning short burst of anaerobic intense drills followed by short periods of active rest).  This is max fat burning!  Schedule your workouts for the entire week so that you’re sure not to miss one. Make it a non-negotiable appointment!

The main thing is to make the decision RIGHT NOW to get back on track.  You can do it! It may be tough, but that’s what builds character. You’re going to be so glad that you made the decision to jump back into your healthy lifestyle!

Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy. – Bill Blackman