A Day In the Life…

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Okay, yes I’m a total dork, but I want you to know that you can eat ALL day if you’re building lean muscle in your body!  So here are my “guns” that are a constant work in progress!

I’ve gotten a lot of questions and requests for a sample “menu” so to speak of what I eat in a normal day so I thought I’d post it for everyone! So here it is- a day in my food/workout life. The times are important to see which is why I include them. Of course I vary some things like lunch and dinner, but Shakeology is an absolute constant in my every day life!  I get a LOT of my recipes from Chalene Johnson’s blog and I put links to all those recipes in the post for you to find them! Delicious and EASY!

7:00 am Wake Up!

7:20 am P90x Bar– 250 calories

7:30 am WORKOUT!

8:30 am (after workout) Results & Recovery Formula– 220 Calories

9:30 am Chocolate Shakeology with 2 Tbsp PB2- 185 Calories

12:00 pm Turbo Avocado Wraps (NO onions!)- 365 Calories

3:00 pm Deviled Tomatoes (NO relish!)- 118 Calories

6:00 pm Chicken Kabobs with Oven-Roasted Zucchini– 363 Calories

7:30 pm Cranberry Pear Crisp- 232 Calories


A couple things to remember- I drink a TON of water throughout the day as well! That’s vital to your nutrition, health and weight loss. It keeps you feeling full too!  Second, it’s really, REALLY important to eat within a half hour of waking up. You need to start your metabolism right away and get it revved up! Finally, YES I eat dessert! Not always and not every day, but sometimes, heck yeah I want to have a little something sweet. If I’m hungry after 8 pm I have green tea. It satisfies my late-night craving without undoing my hard work for the day!

On days that I lift heavy, I’ll add some extra protein in there so keep that in mind as well!

Again, Shakeology is a MUST HAVE in my day! It gives me so much energy that I’ve really kicked my coffee habit!  I’m getting all the nutrients I need and my stomach as never been flatter!

A work in progress? ABSOLUTELY! But I wouldn’t be where I am without Shakeology and that’s the honest truth!