Insanity: The Asylum PREVIEW

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I’m getting really anxious about starting Insanity: The Asylum, the sequel to Shaun T’s crazy program, Insanity. I’m just SO excited and I want to start  today! BUT I’m finishing up P90x and I’m committed to finishing that, so until then I’m stuck previewing, oogling, and prepping. I’m ready to get my booty kicked and I KNOW I’m about to take my fitness to a completely new level. While I’m waiting to get started I thought I’d let you know my precursory ideas, thoughts and opinions!

Here’s how the box comes to your house:

Now this alone is exciting! In fact, when mine came, it was left outside the door of my apartment building and when I looked out the window and saw it, I KNEW it was mine because it had that logo on the outside of the box. I wish I had gotten to see the FedEx person when they dropped it off because I KNOW I could strike a conversation just off the box. Who WOULDN’T want to know what the heck this Asylum thing is!?!

But you know it took me absolutely no time at all to quickly, but carefully, open this box up! And here’s what I found:

So Beachbody hooked me up with this autographed copy for free because I made Success Club in February. (Just one of the many reasons I love this company- we are definitely rewarded well for working hard!) What I loved about the inside of the box is that it wasn’t just a plain box, you have the set of Asylum, which looks like a football stadium, right there in the box like you’re jumping into the set yourself! In the box is a jump rope, agility ladder, and the set of DVDs which also includes a food guide, schedule and progress tracker. I absolutely LOVE that it has tools to go with it- SWEET!

There are 6 workouts included in this program:

1. Speed  & Agility

2. Vertical Plyo

3. Relief

4. Strength

5. Back to Core

6. Game Day

There’s also a Sports Performance Assessment and Overtime in case you’re really super crazy and have extra energy after Game Day!  What I like about the program is that you work super hard all week, train really intensely and then you have a goal to get to each week- Game Day! I love having that goal in sight. That really helps me focus and drive to the end of the week.

Some things you should know…. The agility ladder that comes with this is a bit over 5 feet long. In fact I laid down next to it and it was as long as I am tall (yes I’m short, thank you very much) so that means it’s about 5’3″. You do need room for that to lay on your floor and have a little extra room on the sides and ends as you do use space around the ladder. I also think you should know that pull-ups are a part of this, so if you don’t get the Deluxe version, make sure you have a pull-up bar or heavy resistance bands with a strong hook to hook to your door frame. Finally, I feel very compelled to tell you that this is an intense workout. If you’re done Insanity or TurboFire you’re probably fine, but if you’re not used to intense cardio, you may want to wait on this one. Beachbody has several other options that can you get you ready for this one. (Just had to get that technical stuff out of the way!)

Oh and did I mention that this program is only 30 days! Yes, 30 days to get ripped, shredded and smokin’ hot! Can’t wait!

So stay tuned  because I am going to be documenting my journey and letting you know what I REALLY thing as I go through it- haha. I’m starting in the beginning of May so get ready to go Insane with me as we enter the Asylum!

To get YOUR copy of Insanity: The Asylum click here!