Pinch Me!!

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Sometimes I look at my life and I’m still in SHOCK that it’s MY life! As you’ve probably been seeing on Facebook, I just got back from a trip to Atlantis in the Bahamas- a trip I earned through building my business with Beachbody! This is a location that I never in my wildest dreams thought I would visit and honestly, I hadn’t even been out of the country before this! It was such a dream situation- I definitely got teary-eyed several times while we were there!

Craig Holiday reminded us this weekend that success doesn’t happen by chance- that we weren’t there by accident. That really hit home for me- I did work hard to get there! I’m EXTREMELY blessed, but I also work hard and that hard work has paid off, big time! Looking back at where I started (unhealthy, unhappy, and in pain) to where I am now (healthy, fit, happy and no pain)- I am so truly thankful for all that I have been a part of with Beachbody!

The reason I share this is not to brag, but to share with you because this life- a life with whatever you’ve ever dreamed of- is possible for YOU! This business affords you anything you can ever want in life if you embrace it, own it, work it and open your heart to change and growth! Here are my last 4 weeks of commissions with my biggest commission happening WHILE I was in the Bahamas- that’s crazy!

What’s most exciting to me is that my team is on track to making serious money AND they are working their way to next year’s trip…. to DISNEYWORLD! I want to help you get there too! It’s not too late, but let’s get you started today! It’s all about helping people get healthy and live their best life possible! It’s something you can stand behind, feel proud about doing and you’re just going to love it!

I know someone of you have been thinking about doing this for a long time- but what’s holding you back? It’s time to dive in- it’s time to get started and it’s time to start building your dreams! Let’s talk about this! Do you want to get started now? Of course you do!!

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  1. Teresa Miller says:

    Congrats girl! Okay okay you finally got me. I’ve been watching your posts for a long time and finally I need to know more. What is this all about?

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